Classic Strategic Media - Matt White, Author

Classic Strategic Media hosted a lecture by Matt White, an entrepreneur and author who speaks passionately on the topic of "helping" rather than "selling" potential clients. Matt has built this ethos into all his businesses and written a book detailing the process on how this can be done effectively.

Of his described techniques, #5 really struck me, he described it as "Be a resource," this includes helping anyone, without needing to receive a clear benefit from it. He described a rut where interactions become simply transactional with the parties only bringing benefit if they could benefit. Instead, listen intently and simply help, it almost always has unintended and uncalculated rewards. I have seen this principle at work in so many dealings, great observation Matt!

Chris Inman and Jerry Patton have been putting these principles into action, going above and beyond putting on a great events like this one. They bring the same dedication to their clients and associates! Looking forward to the next talk guys.

It was really great to see the team again and meet Matt, who is putting these points into practice. Consider checking out his book "Stop Selling. Start Helping." or check out his other materials at his website.

Matt's Website:
